Igor Shavruk

Igor Shavruk

Graduated from Stolyarsky Music School in piano and conducting Mr. Shavruk continued his musical education at the Odessa State Conservatory. From 1970 to 1996 he served as an orchestra conductor in Moscow and Kharkov, as well as the principal conductor in Opera theaters of Odessa and Krasnoyarsk. Since the year 1996, he has been the artistic director and conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of the Odessa Regional Philharmonia.

Igor Shavruk also collaborates with the Odessa National Philharmonic Orchestra, the Odessa State Opera and Ballet Theater, opera and symphony orchestras of Ukraine and other countries. He toured as an orchestra conductor England, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, China, and other countries. Mr. Shavruk repertoire includes 44 operas, 30 ballets, and more than 20 symphonies. He is the Chief Conductor of the Moscow City Ballet and performed with the National Ballet Symphony Orchestra of London, the Budapest Opera Orchestra, the Irish Radio Orchestra, Brno Opera Orchestra, and other orchestras of Great Britain and Brazil.