Oksana Madarash

Oksana Madarash


She graduated from the conducting and choral department of Mykolaiv Higher State Music School (1989, class of teacher L. Lakiza).

She received her higher musical education at the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky:
1989–1994 — choral conducting, class of People’s Artist of Ukraine, professor V. Petrichenko,
1995–1999 — opera and symphonic conducting, class of People’s Artist of Ukraine, professor Ye. Dushchenko,
2002–2005 — assistantship internship at the department of opera and symphonic conducting, class of the People’s Artist of Ukraine, professor E. Dushchenko.

Creative activity

Since 2022, he has been working as a conductor at the Kaunas State Music Theatre.

From 2002 to 2022, he was the stage conductor of the Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater and from 2002 to 2023, the artistic director and conductor of the chamber orchestra of young students of the Faculty of Music of the Kyiv Children’s Academy of Arts, laureate of the 1st international competition named after Stankovich

In 2021 and 2023, the guest conductor of the Macedonian National Theater of Opera and Ballet. Cooperation with the Budapest Operetta Theater, Mykolaiv Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy, etc.

Stage conductor: concert version of the opera J. Bizet “Carmen” , M. Arkas “Kateryna” (Mykolaiv), J. Strauss “The Bat” , G. Donizetti “The Bell” , F. Lowe “My Charming Lady” , J. S. Bach “Coffee Cantata” , I. Kalman “Violet of Montmartre”, musicals by E. Lipp “The Addams Family” and S. Levey and M. Kunze “Mozart!” and others.

Conductor-producer of concerts of the Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater, including with international participation: annual symphony concert “Strauss in Operetta” , Project producer, manager and chief conductor ” CYCLE OF CLASSICAL MUSIC CONCERTS WITH OKSANA MADARASH: ANTONIO VIVALDI (Ukraine, Kyiv), Art evening “Ferenc Legar” , Evening of Hungarian music “Pearls of the Danube” , “Symphonic cocktail in the style of Blues” , “Vivat, Offenbach!” , “Vivat, L’Operette” , the Grand Finale of the VI International Festival “Opening Paderevsky” and others.

Conductor of the performances: J. Rossini “The Barber of Seville” , G. Verdi “Rigoletto” , G. Verdi “Nabucco”, G. Verdi “The Troubadour”, J. Bizet “Carmen”, P. Mascagni “Rural Honor”, P. Tchaikovsky “Eugene Onegin” , S. Rachmaninov “Aleko” , K. Orff “Carmina Burana” , I. Kalman “Silva” , I. Kalman “Mr. X” , Y. Strauss “Gypsy Baron” , F. Leghar “Count of Luxembourg” , J. Offenbach “Invited Dinner with Italians” , I. Poklad “Such Jewish Happiness” , M. Lysenko “May Night” , M. Samoilov “American Comedy”, musicals by E. Lipp “The Adams Family” and S. Levey and M. Kuntse “Mozart!”.

Cooperation with orchestras: National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra, symphony programs with the orchestra of the Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater, the symphony orchestra of the Kaunas State Music Theater, the St. Petersburg Festival Orchestra, the Ternopil Regional Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the Severodonetsk Symphony Orchestra philharmonic orchestra, the symphonic orchestra of the Mykolaiv Regional Department of Culture, the “Ars-Nova” chamber orchestra of the Mykolaiv Regional Philharmonic, the orchestra of the symphonic conducting department of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Participation in international festivals and projects

Annual symphony concert “Strauss in Operetta” (Ukraine, Kyiv), IX Internationalis Šv. Jurgio meno saisons (Lithuania), Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2023 (Ukraine, Kyiv), “Operetta in Kaunas Castle” (Lithuania), “O – Fest” (Kyiv, Bucha), Symphony Blues Cocktail (Ukraine, Kyiv), “ French Spring” (Kyiv), The Best of Opera Masterpieces | (Ukraine, Kyiv), Discovering Pederewski (Ukraine, Kyiv), Art Evening by Franz Leghar | (Ukraine, Kyiv) , Evening of Hungarian music “Pearl of the Danube” (Ukraine, Kyiv), Song and Dance Festival “Čia teka upės” (Kaunas, Lithuania), “Golden Applause of Bukovyna” (Chernivtsi), “Melpomena of Tavria” ( Kherson), “Gogol-fest” (Poltava) and others.

Tour activity: performances in cities both in Ukraine and abroad.

She took part in prestigious music competitions , including: International Symphonic Conductors Competition named after A. Pedrotti (Trento, Italy), International Competition of Symphonic Conductors named after V. Jordania (Kharkov), II National Competition of Symphonic Conductors named after S. Turchak (Special prize “Rose of Hope” for the best performance of an obligatory piece (M. Ravel, Suite No. 2 “Daphnis e Chloe” ), All-Union Competition of Young Choral Conductors (II prize, Mykolaiv).

In 1994–2002, she worked in the National Honored Academic Chapel of Ukraine “Dumka” (Kyiv).

Member of the competition jury:

IV, IV Bortnyanskyi International Competition of Vocal Ensembles (Kyiv, 2014), I and II All-Ukrainian Open Choral Conducting Competitions “Solar Current” ” (Mykolaiv, 2015-2016).

Jury head of the 3rd All-Ukrainian open competition of choral conductors “Sonyachny strum” (Mykolaiv, 2015-2016)

Participation in scientific and practical conferences, including: “Traditional culture of Ukraine of the XXI century. as a component of cultural policy: state and prospects of development” (2015) and others.


2019 — Honorary title “People’s Artist of Ukraine”
2008 — Honorary title “Honored Artist of Ukraine”
2005 — Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
2003 — Diploma of laureate of the theater award named after M. Arkasa
1998 — Special prize “Rose of Hope”


Official site