Musical road to Europe

Author: Oleksandr Galyas 26.06.2015; 03.07.2015; 10.07.2015; 24.07.2015

The “ODESSA CLASSICS” festival has become a resonant event in the cultural life not only of our city but also of Ukraine. This was achieved through the participation of world-class “stars” and an unusually broad program that combined concerts, exhibitions, discussions, and masterclasses. Music critics and journalists from various countries have already assessed the Odessa forum. “>In our report, we decided to focus on the opinions of the audience.

Odessa has long been perceived mostly as a city of jokers, pranksters, and comedians. It is no coincidence that our city carries the informal title of “capital of humor”. There is a significant truth in this, as Odessans are indeed known for their special sense of humor, and a simple list of outstanding satirists and humorists from our city would take up a considerable portion of this page.

However, it is often forgotten that most of the world-renowned celebrities born or raised in Odessa are representatives of classical and academic arts. Let’s name just the most famous: Emil Gilels, David Oistrakh, Sviatoslav Richter, Nathan Milstein, Busya Goldstein, Misha Cherkasky, Mikhail Fichtenholz, Valery Klimov, Eduard Grach, Semyon Snitkovsky, Bella Rudenko, Yevgeny Mogilevsky, Maria Gulegina… Few cities in the world can match Odessa in this regard. Adding to this the Music Academy with dozens of brilliant graduates and the legendary Opera Theater, it becomes evident: Odessa is a city with outstanding “classical” traditions…

Read the original article (in Russian):
Odessa Newspaper “Porto-Franco” –
Continuation of the article (Part 2)
Continuation of the article (Part 3)
End of the article (Part 4)